After an unfortunate death of a postgraduate student, Comrade Kebi Lestley following a surgical operation conducted in the Unical Medical Centre, the Management of the University of Calabar has directed the immediate suspension from duty of the Director of Medical Centre, Dr. Leku Ador and also Dr. Eyo O. E.
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According to separate letters of suspension issued to the affected staff and signed by the University Registrar, Mr. Gabriel Egbe, it is alleged that the decision to suspend the doctors was pertinent because the manner and way the doctors conducted the operation was not based on any sound and modern advice or practice in the world today.
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The said Dr. Eyo, who carried our the operation is alleged to have carried out a major operation on the decease without carrying out a CT Scan to determine what nature of treatment was required: an act considered quite unprofessional of a medical doctor of his status.
Similarly, the Director, Medical Centre is suspended because he failed to provide the necessary leadership expected of him when it was mostly needed.
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While on suspension with effect from 15th November, 2021, to pave way for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of the patient, both doctors are enjoined to assist the investigative committee set up for that purpose.
Furthermore, the Director, Medical Centre, Dr. Ador has been directed to hand over to Dr. Dien Dien, the Deputy Director of Health Services who is to oversee the office of the Medical Director till further notice.